
Wednesday Night Acoustic: Gareth Pearson - Trail of M & Ms (Solo Guitar)

lawhawk9/26/2013 8:28:59 am PDT

re: #162 goddamnedfrank

The S&P really needs to not be coy the next time around. No more burying the blame of the GOP inside an explanation of their rejiggering the forecast model of future US debt. They should just come right out and issue a single sentence report that says the GOP is deliberately rat-fucking the US and world economy.

Wouldn’t be very professional but that’s the only way to get the truth out.

They previously indicated that Congress was to blame, but you’re right that they would have to explicitly blame the GOP refusal to raise the debt ceiling without any strings attached. By attaching every wet dream for TP/GOPers, they show themselves to be completely divorced from reality or even compromise.

There’s no reason to compromise with a bunch that throws every conservative wet dream demand - from Keystone to abortion in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. GOPers would be screaming bloody hell if Democrats did something like that - such as demanding enactment of single payer, raising the minimum wage, expanding spending on infrastructure, raising gas taxes to cover mass transit, hiking taxes even further on the wealthy, and closing loopholes on corporate income taxes and eliminating business tax breaks.

That’s essentially the mirror image of what the GOP is threatening/demanding.

And it has to stop. S&P, Moody’s and the financial industry in general needs to put the screws to the GOP to drop this nonsense. Warning the GOP specifically would do that - though the TP would see this as a conspiracy (with blaming the joos not far behind).