
The Most Disgusting Right Wing Tweet About Ray Rice

Backwoods Sleuth9/09/2014 3:38:47 pm PDT


Bodies of 5 missing S.C. children found in Alabama

The children’s mother reported the children — aged 1 to 8 — missing Wednesday. According to officers, the mother, who is divorced from the children’s father, said she had been unable to contact her ex-husband.

While Lexington County deputies have not released the name of the father, two sources have told WLTV-TV that the man is Timothy Ray Jones.

The husband is the children’s primary legal guardian. Neighbors told deputies that the children’s father said he was moving with his children from his home near Lexington to another state.

Jones was arrested Saturday in Raleigh, Miss., on charges in unrelated to the disappearance. The children were not with the father when he was taken into custody.