
New Video Shows Darren Wilson With No Visible Injuries After Shooting Michael Brown

Ace Rothstein11/15/2014 12:53:09 pm PST

Holy moley, look at this roster!

Governor Rick Perry, David Horowitz, Senator Jeff Sessions, Senator Ron Johnson, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Geert Wilders, Kimberly Strassel, Jim Bridenstine, Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Ann Coulter, Stephen Moore, Andrew McCarthy, Michael Reagan, Bruce Thornton, Andrew Klavan, General David Fridovich, Larry Kawa, General William Boykin, James Carafano, Bill Whittle, Joel Gilbert, Cleta Mitchell, Daniel Greenfield, Thomas Lifson, Tom Fitton, Richard Baehr, Matt Kibbe, Edwin Black, Robert Spencer and Caroline Glick.