
Sunday Night Nightmare Short: 'The Kids'

ObserverArt1/26/2015 7:19:06 am PST

Loved this comment from the Washington Examiner article darthstar linked in #139 regarding the Palin problem for the GOP.

datakcy • 12 hours ago

I’m a huge Sarah Palin fan. My wife and I have waited in line to have her sign her books. But this was a sad, pathetic performance. We were stunned and shocked by the low caliber of this speech. This was akin to a classic prize fighter who is either out of shape or over the hill. She needs to take some time off and reassess who she is and the role she wants to play in the party. She is becoming the very caricature the Left has painted: superficial, no depth. Between this and the shenanigans involving her family, it’s time to step back. We need serious candidates and not those who are shameless self-promoters (e.g. Trump).

Uh, Sarah Palin paints herself superficial and lacking depth. Own up to it buster! You idiots bought her bag of simpleton tricks. She is your problem. The rest of the world laughs at the idiocy of people like you that didn’t see it from the get-go.