
The Bob & Chez Show: Caleefonya

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/08/2016 1:02:34 pm PDT

Letter submitted to the Scottsbluff (NE) Star-Herald; let’s see if they print it (so far I am six-for-six):

Senator Ben Sasse held a telephonic town hall today (June 8). As a concerned citizen, I always try to participate in these calls from our senators and representative.

I will always identify myself as a Democrat, but I do not ask “gotcha” question. My question for Senator Sasse was what his opinion was on how to fix the Veterans Administration (as I am a disabled vet).

Every call I have received since I moved to Nebraska, the phone call was cut off. If it were a one-off, I might chalk it up to technical issues. As every call has been cut off, I can only presume that Senator Fischer, Senator Sasse, and Representative Smith are running their calls as if they were right-wing radio talk shows.

Our senators and representative represent all Nebraskans, not just the Republican ones. If they are afraid of the hard questions that come from outside their comfort zone (and my questions are hardly that, just that I identify as a Democrat), then how can they represent everyone? They were not elected to represent the GOP, they were elected to represent Nebraskans.