
Jim Jefferies Explains How Republicans Deflect Blame After a Tragedy [VIDEO]

ObserverArt10/31/2018 3:20:22 pm PDT


You still watching every music video that is posted here? Just wondering.

If you are, times have been easier for you. We haven’t gotten into a big string of music vids…times for stuff like that have been tough due to all the craziness in the main topic of politics.

Maybe after the elections some of the mojo will come back to this blog and we can all have a bit more fun commenting about music, art, movies, cooking, sports and some of the other stuff that went on prior to Trump.

Remember when Charles had “open threads” with no topic and they would be filled with chatter of all kinds of things?

I miss some of that…and I imagine others do too.

Though, it is easy to see why the mood changed in November if 2016.