
Seth Meyers: GOP Senators Suddenly Want to "Move On" From Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Joe Bacon ✅2/09/2021 8:07:20 am PST

re: #111 mmmirele

I guess the JWs are still not going around and doing door to door harassing preaching because I checked my mail and got not one but two letters from the local (as in 6 miles away) Kingdom Hall asking me if I knew who was the ruler of this world. Yes, of course they were form letters. One was addressed to my first name, one to my last name. And why yes, they were done by the same person. JW leadership across the world wants courts to agree that they have the right to not turn over child predators in their congregations, and do you think I’d have anything to do with that? Why nope, nope, nope, nopity, NOPE!

The last time JW’s knocked on my door, I went into my Bela Lugosi voice and said, “Do you know….Dracula is a Jehovah’s Witness?”

The look on their face…priceless…and they walked away…