
A Beautiful Song From Allison Young: "Wasting Time"

Dangerman7/08/2021 3:49:23 am PDT

Repiblican candidates are such profiles in courage

Youngkin Admits to Hiding His True Abortion Views

A new video shows Virginia gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin (R) saying that he has to limit his antiabortion comments for fear of alienating independent voters, but that he would go “on offense” if he wins office and Republicans take a majority in the House of Delegates, the American Independent reports

J.D. Vance Admits He Had to ‘Suck It Up’ to Support Trump

Ohio U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance (R) tried to explain away his about-face on Donald Trump in a Time magazine interview but admitted that he had no choice but to “suck it up” and support the former president.

Said Vance: “I’m not just a flip-flopper, I’m a flip-flop-flipper on Trump.”

He called Trump the “the leader of this movement” and that “I need to just suck it up and support him.”