
The Bob Cesca Interview: Comedian Steve Marmel

silverdolphin2/29/2024 1:05:12 am PST

re: #163 Targetpractice

About the only argument I’ve seen for an upside to yesterday’s bullshittery from the SCOTUS bench is that it drags out the headache for the GQP of their nominee arguing before the nation that he is a king who is totally above the law. And while I can see some measure of positive in that, it still reads as pure copium to me. Even a 9-0 ruling telling him to go grab his shine box is likely not to come earlier than late June, making the odds of any federal cases pending against him having time to start and finish before Election Day remote.

If the goal is to delay a 9-0 decision until summer, then the liberal three need to stand up now and publically denouce the corrupt six. They took an oath to defend the Cosntitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And they took an oath to uphold justuce, no matter how rich or powerful anyone was. If they keep silence and let this corrupt delay, then they are complicit. They place the institution above democracy.

Breaking the silence around this Supreme Court decision is likely the best path towards impeaching any of the corrupt six once we root out the traitors and take back our country. They need to be put on notice now that they will be removed from the Court.

Because you can be sure that if Trump wins, the liberal 3 will be gone from the Court.