
LGF on Glenn Beck

SanFranciscoZionist4/16/2009 3:17:53 pm PDT

re: #126 _RememberTonyC

I am on record as having a problem with Beck since the day that nut in Pittsburgh killed the cops. I thought for sure that guy had to be a Beck listener/viewer who acted out in a tragic way. For a time before that, I was starting to be turned off by some of his apocalyptic statements. While I was in agreement with some of his stuff, the doomsday stuff was a problem for me. But now it appears he has totally gone off the deep end. And if he is publicly calling Charles and Lizard Nation out, I have an major problem with him. I will continue to watch his show for a few minutes here and there, which is all I could take to begin with. But we need to keep an eye on him, so I will not ignore him. And FOX needs to look past his good ratings and make sure he dials back his extremism. Because that is the only news network that represents my views to any extent. But my patience for this crap is not unlimited. Broadcasters have a responsibility to not only chase ratings, but to be responsible. I have been a TV producer for more than 30 years, and I admire the way FOX does present many sides of an issue. But any broadcaster worth a damn knows that all we really have is our credibility. And if we piss that credibility away, we don’t DESERVE to have an audience.

Honestly, I don’t think Beck can be blamed—the guy in Pittsburgh was deep into a whole paranoid subculture. If what I hear about Beck here is accurate, though, he might be bringing that kind of thinking to a bigger mainstream audience, which is not good.

But I still haven’t seen the show.