
Washington Times Editor: Obama Was Educated at Yale

subsailor689/08/2009 11:55:44 am PDT

A little more info on the Baucus plan to forced folks to buy insurance or be fined:

Baucus Plan

It includes this little gem:

As a way to pay for the package, Baucus is proposing a 35 percent excise tax on insurance companies for high-cost plans — defined as those above $8,000 for individuals and $21,000 for family plans.

Let’s see, Baucus is going to pay for forcing people to purchase insurance by taxing people - who buy insurance? Hmmm, so now the program is underway, and the folks with the “high-cost” plans say “bite me” and drop back to lower cost coverage.

Oops, there goes that revenue stream! Now what, Max?