
Video: UN Stunned by British Colonel's Speech

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2009 4:27:04 pm PDT

re: #158 Bagua

Ludwig, I don’t purposely post “distortions and back handed insults”, when posting here…

My words stand as written, they are accurate and you are incorrect.

Except that everything I wrote in that post is a verified fact. And yes we are certain of the facts.

If you would point to a specific thing you wish to quibble at perhaps I could explain why it was a correct statement - and BTW it is, we are certain about those mechanisms and we are certain that if left unchecked they lead to a disaster, it would be better.

However, you smugly cast doubt where there is none. It is a common denier tactic, and you should be sensitive enough to that reality to be more careful yourself in you false aspersions.