
Nut Who Threatened Cantor Also Threatened Obama

darthstar3/30/2010 12:04:45 pm PDT

re: #148 robdouth

Would you say the same thing if during GWB’s years in office, someone was incited by the hate displayed daily at HuffPo and DKos and their mental inbalance to attempt to hurt or kill any republicans at the time. Would that then have been the fault of Democrats for failing to police that hate in their sites?

HuffPo and dKos are not actually elected officials spewing alarmist rhetoric on TV. But, to further the discussion, if someone called for killing politicians, or taking up arms, in a diary, and then someone read that diary and decided to follow suit, then yes, their rhetoric would be partially culpable.

Of course, the big difference here is that you’re stating a hypothetical…IF they incited violence during the Bush administration…it’s a little late to do that, don’t you think? What we’re seeing today is actually fairly relevant.