
ADL 'Won't Fight' Park51 Community Center

DaddyG8/04/2010 1:05:12 pm PDT

On the whole the ADL is a very positive organization. They have a long track record of defending religious freedoms and not just for Jews.

Discussing that a statement made by their spokesperson was ill advised and not in character is not piling on in any sense.

I’ve taken my lumps here for supporting the Boy Scouts of America and the LDS (Mormon) Church given their political positions on gays and marriage. That doesn’t mean I’m giving up on my religion or a great organization for helping boys become good men. It also doesn’t mean that understanding others positions and beliefs is compromising my own integrity.

If you (generic you) are 100% aligned with any group or set of beliefs I would venture to guess you don’t fully comprehend the group or your own beliefs.
