
The Man in Charge of the World's Money: 'A Chimpanzee in Heat'

Girl with a Pearl Earring5/17/2011 7:18:53 am PDT

French Shocked by I.M.F. Chief’s ‘Perp Walk’:

FTA: ““The arrest in New York of one of France’s leading global figures and a possible next president, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, on charges of attempted rape produced an earthquake of shock, outrage, disbelief and embarrassment throughout France on Sunday.

“I found that image to be incredibly brutal, violent and cruel,” the former justice minister Elisabeth Guigou told France-Info radio on Monday, referring to widely published photographs of a beleaguered-looking Mr. Strauss-Kahn, handcuffed and led by several New York police officers.”

And this gem: “Eva Joly, a well-known French magistrate who once brought charges against Mr. Strauss-Kahn for corruption…. noted that the American justice system “doesn’t distinguish between the director of the I.M.F. and any other suspect. It’s the idea of equal rights.”