
Uh Oh: Third Ex-Employee Claims She Was Sexually Harassed by Cain

ausador11/02/2011 3:16:12 pm PDT

Damn I love e-bay sometimes…so after having resolved my cousins problem with not having MS Office on his…err…”newer” computer (you don’t want to know, besides it came with Office installed so it is only kinda sorta technically stealing software, I prefer to think of it as restoring the OEM bundled programs that were deleted by a nitwit) I moved on to finding a suitable monitor.

Bingo, a slightly used (only used by the sellers grandmother to visit religious sites on Sundays!) HPvs17 for $35.00 on e-bay, god I love this country sometimes. :)

Beats the shit out of his current 9inch screen that does 800x600, no way I am handing him this fast Nvidia driven machine back and making him squint at his old monitor. It just so happens that I have a spare of that exact HPvs17 monitor here that I can deliver to him along with the computer tomorrow. (Unfortunately this one has a tiny flaw in the LCD matrix that you can barely see right up against the right edge of the screen, ex-girlfriend + thrown beer = tiny flaw, long story).

Want to talk about a perfect win-win?