
Jim Hoft's Breaking Bombshell of the Day: Victim of Terrorism Visited by Michelle Obama!

Reality Based Steve4/24/2013 5:30:28 pm PDT

re: #2 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

Just to restate: The entirety of the reason that Beck and Hoft and the other idiots think this Saudi was involved somehow is that he’s a Saudi, right?

And Beck is saying that since the government HASN’T disproved his allegations that the kid was actually the ring leader of the bombing plot, and that his deportation order was changed after Kerry met with the Saudi Ambassador, it’s PROOF that his theory is correct. He actually stated that it’s the job of the govt. to DISPROVE his allegations, not for him to prove them.

That’s the beautiful thing about a good conspiracy theory. The very LACK of proof is in itself just more proof of how deep it goes. Any evidence you provide to counter the self-supporting self-replicating mental masturbation that passes for their thought process is met with a disdainful “Well of course you believe that, that’s put out in the LSM for the Sheeple”.
