
Maine's Governor LePage: Black Drug Dealers Are "Impregnating" Our White Women

bratwurst1/07/2016 7:50:32 pm PST

Sure is a lot of gleeful right wing tweeting on the subject of the mass sexual assault that took place in Cologne on New Years Eve.

At least we know what it takes for these people to take sexual assault seriously: Arabic speaking males as the accused perpetrators.

By the way, do not be deceived by the whole this happened at a TRAIN STATION!!11! aspect of the story. The main station in Cologne is directly in the heart of the old city, right next to the massive Cathedral. This area would be roughly equivalent to Times Square on New Years Eve.

That is not to excuse anything that happened there, not at all. Just don’t be mislead into thinking these acts went down in a quiet scene where commuters were headed home after work or something.

I lived about 60 miles away for many years, and I can assure you I would have never been there on New Years Eve or Rosenmontag (the big carnival celebration day).