
Seth Meyers: Republicans Don't Know What's in Their Own Health Care Bill

Anymouse ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜ท6/22/2017 7:20:07 am PDT

re: #157 ObserverArt

Is the Senate really going to allow companyโ€™s with more than 50 employees to not have to offer health insurance???

If so, that is going to throw a lot of people into having to find insurance and that is where pre-existing conditions are going to catch a lot of people out. In the past large groups had enough enrolled to cover people with preexisting conditions.

That is taking and throwing a metric shitload of people to the insurance wolves to take advantage of them in higher rates.

Why itโ€™s almost like the are chumming the waters for the insurance sharks.

Are companies of less than fifty employees required to have insurance?