
Trump Toady William Barr Tries to Explain His Coverup of the Mueller Report [LIVE VIDEO]

mmmirele5/01/2019 1:05:52 pm PDT

Hate preacher Steven Anderson (I’m sitting in my office about a mile from his church) has been barred from the Netherlands. The guy is well-known for his anti-LGBTQ, Holocaust denying crap.

American preacher Steven Anderson will not be allowed into the Netherlands and the rest of the Schengen area, State Secretary Mark Harbers of Justice and Security said on Wednesday in response to parliamentary questions. According to Harbers, the government is “taking strong action against extremist speakers who, by spreading their beliefs, restrict the freedoms of others or even incite hatred or violence”, NOS reports.

It looks like this is really bad news for Anderson, because he’s apparently also banned from all the rest of the Schengen countries. (His wife is from Germany.)

I am playing the world’s tiniest violin right now.