
A Deep Cut From Regina Spektor: "Loveology" (Live w/ Seth Meyers)

Targetpractice6/30/2019 6:17:50 pm PDT

Dems ran in 2018 on preserving and expanding the ACA. The “NeverTrump” crowd declared that suicidal, that the ACA was so unpopular that the Dems would lose votes over it.

Dems ran in 2018 on turning back the Trump Tax Cuts and raising taxes on the rich. The “NeverTrump” crowd insisted those Cuts were secretly very popular and that the Dems would lose votes for supporting tax increases.

Dems ran in 2018 on gun control and tackling gun violence. The “NeverTrump” crowd wrote long rants about how both were wildly outside the “mainstream” and would send voters screaming into the arms of Republicans.

I could go on and on, but the reality is the Dems ran on a progressive set of policies and stances not even a year ago, to the disapproval and dire predictions of the “NeverTrump” pundits. They did the same the year prior in VA, running a slate of progressive candidates to the disbelief of the “NeverTrump” crowd who insisted that his brand of “populism” made such a strategy totally untenable.