
Bruce Hornsby Solo: "Cyclone" (Live - Bonnaroo Virtual ROO-Ality)

No Malarkey!10/15/2020 7:20:31 am PDT

Interesting thread and article. What it boils down to is that Parscale’s reelection campaign for Trump from the beginning was to use social media to activate politically apathetic non-college educated whites through interests that connected them to similar voters such as hunting, NASCAR, etc. So Trump’s primary hope for reelection is that the polls are wrong because they are missing people who don’t fit the likely voter profiles in their models since they weren’t registered and didn’t vote in the past. And there has been a recent GOP registration edge in battleground states. Pinning your hopes on nonvoters is a risky strategy, but when Trump is your candidate, its the only one you’ve got; because all the voters have already made their minds up.