
Seth Meyers: Putin Rattles World With Nuclear Threat as Trump Calls Him Smart Again

Shropshire Slasher3/01/2022 4:44:50 am PST
None of the taxi apps on my phone work right now, understandably.

The only way to travel is to hire a taxi at train stations. I proceeded to ask a local woman for directions. The combination of my accent and my clearly foreign dress sense had set her on edge. She asked me to pronounce the word “Palyanitsa” — the Ukrainian word for a traditional loaf of bread — three times. The word is composed of sounds that native Russian speakers can not pronounce correctly. It has emerged as a shibboleth in this war. Which I knew having spent that morning watching the social media videos of alleged Russian saboteurs being taken by Ukrainian men at gunpoint in Kharkiv.

The woman looked me in the eyes and asked me directly if I was an infiltrator. I barely passed the test but my American passport and press credentials helped. As did the fact that I had an Odessa-born wife. Her own hu

A reported “Russian collaborator” is duct taped to a pole in Ukraine, according to local social media.