
Death Sentence for Translating the Koran

Cato the Elder2/06/2009 10:42:38 am PST

re: #132 Guanxi88

Well, that’s pretty freakin’ crappy. Gives some weight to a theory a persian buddy of mine once aired:

He said, and I’m paraphrasing:

“Islam is nothing but Arab imperialism; they come in, change everybody’s names, make the folks pray in Arabic, and, in general, submit to an Arab culture, an Arab divinity, and compel Arab methods of worship. The whole thing’s a giant scam, set up by the Mecca Chamber of Commerce to encourage tourism, and the Guild of Rug Weavers to keep sales steady.”

Heh. The mechanics of acceptable Islamo-prayer are actually pretty risible. Here’s a basic introduction.

It’s all about body posture, down to the way you cup your hands behind your ears. Don’t wiggle your fingers at Allah!

According to a Christian convert from Islam, “…[T]hey sit up and lean back on their heels, with their legs crossed at the ankle and the left foot turned in. Muhammad crossed his ankles this way and, therefore, so do Muslims.”

And all of that five times a day. Mind-numbing!

I’d rather sit still and practice zazen, even if the head monk comes around every so often and whacks me with a stick!