
Another Massive Windfall for Palestinians

dhg43/06/2009 9:02:22 am PST

re: #25 yma o hyd

And while the billions flow into the pakesthugs coffers, this is happening:
A million face starvation as Sudan shuts down

From that report:
‘In El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, government officials began the process of seizing millions of pounds in assets belonging to the charities. Men with dark glasses and clipboards arrived at the Oxfam office to begin itemising equipment. They left with laptops, desktop computers and satellite phones, choking off communication. There was a similar scene at the French agency Action Contre La Faim. “We are due to start distributing food to the camps in a fortnight,” one worker said. “Who else is going to do this and stop people starving? Words cannot describe what is happening.”
Charities reported that their bank accounts were being frozen. Doctors with Mdicins sans Frontires were trying to contain two deadly outbreaks of meningitis before being expelled. Their clinics have closed. ‘

I hope you sleep well an night, all of you why cry for Gaza but have no tears or even words for Darfur!

And please note who is standing up for Bashir!