
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

karmic_inquisitor10/02/2009 11:35:49 am PDT

I have plenty of bona-fides in bitching an moaning about Obama and his policies. I have teased the guy and mocked him. When a guy with no experience whatsoever gets the job of POTUS and has soaring popularity numbers and a stacked legislature, and then announces that he will be remaking the country because “I won” he has some negation coming his way.

But isn’t it time to recalibrate? This is all supposed to be about “what is best for America.”

At this point Obama has made some pretty dumb errors - placing an unfounded premium on his personality over aligning interests. He is turning out to be what you’d expect from an inexperienced executive. And it shows.

Rather than cheer on what you feared, would it not be better to try to co-opt the struggling executive to pursuing more effective policies for the good of the country? Like tried and true recovery tax incentives like accelerated depreciation and R&D tax credits - things that only benefit growing, profitable companies (something that we might want to encourage right now).

This country can ill afford to take on more water as the few that know how the bilge pump works sit idly saying “I told you so”.

Like every person that has pursued the modern Presidency, Obama is an ego maniac. That can be put to work - his self interest lies in legacy and re-election. That will only come through adopting policies known to be effective - ones that fiscal conservatives just happen to promote. I wish him no more ill will - I wish he will look at what Clinton did to salvage his presidency and take the same approach.