
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

Sharmuta10/02/2009 1:15:13 pm PDT

Folks keep misinterpreting the GOP losses over the years as having something to do with the democrats playing by Alinsky rules, when it had more to do with the GOP running away from fiscal conservatism.

When republicans watched GOP members of Congress spending like democrats, the old adage of “Why vote for a dem-lite when you can have the real thing” came into play. I know many republicans who stayed home during mid-terms and 2004 because they’re sick of republican spending habits.

But have we learned this lesson? No- we think the lesson is to play by Alinsky rules ourselves. Until the GOP gets back to fiscal responsibility, I expect them to keep losing elections. And right now- I don’t see them adopting that position. They’re too far gone down the Rules for Radicals trail. Sarah has been all to willing to help in that department.