
Meghan McCain Blasts Tom Tancredo's 'Innate Racism'

Donna Ballard2/08/2010 2:33:33 pm PST

Hello every one, Happy Monday to you all!

And if I might weigh in on the topic of racism, I have found that children are like little sponges. The soak up everything their parents, extended family, ie; grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers and neighbors say about whom ever they’re gossiping about and when it comes down to the news pundits most of them are just products of their upbringing and it shows in what they say.
I was raised by parents that went out of their way to make sure we kids, all 5 of us, never ever talked bad about anyone’s race or personal views therefore I have no tolerance for anyone who does.
I have been treated badly by African Americans, Hispanics, and a whole host of other races and nationality’s as well as ethnic groups and I feel sorry for them, for it just shows how ignorant and just plain stupid they really are to not take the time to do the research and learn what it is that they really are talking about means to themselves and to other people who will be sitting in judgment of them, their actions and their words.
Now you know where I stand on racism. As far away as possible from it!