
Overnight Open Thread

Guanxi8810/11/2010 7:21:12 am PDT

re: #153 Obdicut

Okay. So you do believe that multinational corporations are having a large effect on US elections, but you think that it is right and proper that multinational corporations should be able to spend as much money as they want influencing US elections?

That’s what we in the world of rhetoric call a false option. Multinationals are not having a large effect on our elections, and I think it is right and proper that first amendment liberties not be infringed solely on the basis of economic organization or legal status.

Unless you propose we tell the amnesty protestors to discourage the undocumented foreign nationals among them to STFU. Then, we might be able to reach a middle ground.

So long as BHO decides to demagogue this issue - poor, sainted servant of a benighted people, heroically defending the last shreds of the electoral process against an onslaught from EEEEVILLL corporations - he will continue to show himself to be little more than an Al Sharpton writ large. he has a bigger bullhorn, and therefore shakes down more than just the mom-and-pop grocer.