
Overnight Video: Tempest Milky Way

Birth Control Works8/24/2011 6:39:28 am PDT

re: #165 garhighway

I also note that war correspondents have the potential to warp reality a little. I wouldn’t be all that surprised if the loyalists were targeting the area around the hotel precisely because they knew that their efforts would get well covered, making them seem more meaningful. That’s not good, but I would think that for the more experienced ones it is something they take into account.

I have to wonder how their mere presence there could influence events. I know I act differently when I know I’m being watched.

Propaganda is a powerful tool. The Vietnamese used it quite effectively.

And, really, how is the news truly accurate when all the reporters are in the same place witnessing the same events, getting the same info fed to them. How many are out there getting the story for themselves?

I know there are very good journalists in the field. I’m not at all satisified that we ever truly hear what they have to say unless they write a book. Those in the newspaper hierarchy are more concerned with selling ads and pleasing shareholders than they are in true journalism.

I think we miss-out on hearing from some truly talented and brave writers.