
Gabrielle Giffords Launches Effort to Fight Gun Violence and the Pro-Gun Lobby

allegro1/08/2013 1:13:08 pm PST

During hurricane Ike, my dog and I spent the night at an area hotel for safety. At about 4am, during the height of the very violent storm, some asshole stood outside of my room and fired his handgun apparently until it was emptied. Shooting stopped for a while and there here he comes again - 3 times. What he was shooting at is a mystery. Freaked me out. I spent the rest of the night on the floor with my dog between the bed and the inside wall, more concerned about the jackass and his gun than the storm.

Someone (or several someones) called the police and they showed up, risking life and limb, as well as being unavailable for others who had true emergencies.

This is what I think of as soon as I hear talk about responsible gun owners.