
GOHMERT! One of the Sexiest Conservatives in America

BigPapa7/09/2013 10:24:14 pm PDT


by Steve Timmer
Jul 9, 2013, 4:00 PM
Protecting Brimstone Mountain

The mercenary (and others, some wearing masks) shown above is not lounging in a narcotraficante camp. He’s in the Penokee Hills of northwest Wisconsin, near the south shore of Lake Superior. He and his pals were hired by a company called Gogebic Taconite (GTAC). GTAC is doing some exploring for taconite in the area; there was a dust up with protesters, causing $2,000 in damage, and this was GTAC’s response. “Eco-terrorism,” you see.

Parenthetically, this is a ferrous metals company, kids, not a non-ferrous or sulfide one, but there are sulfides in the rock, too. Especially because the topology of the site tilts rather steeply toward Lake Superior, environmentalists have the same concerns as exist about the Minnesota sulfide projects.

Is this the big government Rand Paul rails about?