
Sarah Palin Poetry Slam of the Day

Jocko's Rocket Ship2/05/2015 8:34:31 pm PST

re: #131 Kragar

My default response to that kind of picture is “and they’re great on the grill.”

My girlfriend has a pet rabbit; she probably loves it so. It somehow gives her great pleasure. It’s cute, but it’s not a dog that actively is part or your life, but hey, whatever. She’s a wonderful, peaceful person and it works for her.

One time out a friend-couple ordered - knowing she had a loved rabbit pet - ordered the rabbit sausage after I said out loud not to order the rabbit. And they talked about how good it was and insisted she should try it, putting a fork full or rabbit towards her face. It was obnoxious. So to the rabbit-eating lovers, don’t throw that in our rabbit-loving faces so much.