
GOP Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Trump's Reckless Threats Could Cause "World War III"

Joe Bacon ✅10/09/2017 8:14:41 am PDT

re: #163 calochortus

According to a Reuters poll rural and small town voters are starting to notice Trump isn’t doing any of the things he promised, but he sure is playing a lot of golf. Reuters says his popularity is slipping for a variety of reasons (local jobs not coming bad, not building the wall, too hard on immigrants already here, healthcare, etc. etc.) but it strikes me that it’s really all one reason. He isn’t following through on the (unrealistic) promises with which he conned people. And, they’re starting to notice. They were gullible, but they aren’t stupid.

Nothing to worry about for RepubliKKKlans. Rush, Fox News and Right Wing Pulpit Pimps will keep the racist white base of the GOP in line