
Comedians Cover Trump Best: Seth Meyers on Trump's Ridiculous, Delusional National Emergency Declaration

Decatur Deb2/19/2019 2:04:13 pm PST

re: #163 ObserverArt

Safe can be dangerous too.

These are not ordinary political times. Women are motivated. How many take it to the streets and voter drives do they need to show they are probably more motivated then men and more motivated for change for their needs than ever.

Look what they are up against. I think they have more to lose than guys do at this time. Just a feel from what I see going on.

If we put a guy in that is not up to what women want it too could be costly.

Something about striking while the iron is hot.

Safest might be a woman. We need a metric for it, but right now Iā€™d align the field as Bidenā€”Warren/Betoā€”HRCā€”Others. Itā€™s still early days.