
Fantastic New Music and Video From GoGo Penguin: "Parasite"

nines094/23/2023 4:23:51 pm PDT

re: #157 sagehen

Charleston Chew. and Non-Pareils.

non pariels was my introduction to dark chocolate, then I found Hersheys Semi Sweet and now I know my Cocao %’s.
I would buy Hersheys semi sweet, and back in the late 60’s it came in a bar that was very close to ExLax laxative candy.
I liked my semi sweet candy, dark chocolate nirvana.
True story. Maybe 10th grade or so, I would usually have a candy bar on me when I went to school. This one kid, and he was a nice guy, but he was always ” what’s that, what’s that, gimme a piece, gimmie a piece” to the point that one night I bought an ExLax bar and carefully shaved off the Exlax markings, an then put half and half in my Hersheys semi sweet wrapper.
Well the next day he saw me break off a piece and was all over me….
So I broke off a double and gave it to him.
And he wanted another so another he got.
I do not recall how much I gave him.
Quite a bit. Maybe a whole ExLax bar?
He was out of school for two days.
When he came back, I asked him what happened….
He looked at me and pieced it together…
I told him I had a new candy. Did he want a piece?
He shit his brains out. Lost 3 or so pounds.
He called me names but we laughed.