
Iran's Manhattan Project

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/03/2009 3:00:39 pm PDT

re: #160 taxfreekiller

Once more on Regan:

He would call up the PanTex plant in Amarillo Tx. order up say 24 nukes, have them loaded on the nuke trucks, order them delivered day time via the interstates to Houston to the port and have them loaded on Navy ships.

At the same time he would call the Air Force and have them start practice low level F-111 terrain following radar fighter bombers ect
runs over power plants of the nuke type here in the U.S.

All this to make the Russians understand he would pull the trigger and
was prepared to do so.

Obama, not so much.

Tax, on this, we completely agree. Nuclear Iran is part of the Russian game plan. It astonishes me that O does not clearly see that Putin is not our friend and that he plays for keeps.