
Majority of Americans Believe Knowledge of American Revolution is Important - But Fail Test for Knowledge

Kruk12/06/2009 4:39:56 pm PST

re: #64 HappyWarrior

I’ve taken the sample citizenship tests before too. The only question I usually get wrong is “What is the name of this test.”

Heh. I remember a copy of the UK citizenship test I saw while I was working there. One question went like this:

You jostle someone in a pub, causing him to spill his drink. Do you:

a) Ignore him
b) Offer to pay for his dry cleaning
c) Buy him another drink
d) Get ready for a fight

I’m pretty sure the answer they wanted was (c). Having been in a couple of rough pubs though, I would have thing (d) would be more realistic.

Topic: Okay, that’s sad. I passed the Revolutionary War, as I see did many other non US Lizards.