
And Now, the Blame Game

zelnaga1/20/2010 9:17:09 am PST

The biggest worry I have about Brown is that I suspect he may be opposed to any attempts at health care reform. I don’t like the health care reform that’s being considered by Congress right now but that doesn’t mean I don’t think health care could use reform.

I’m opposed to the individual mandate - not to the idea of reform. And the whole health insurance exchange just seems like a joke. What incentive do providers have to participate? Seems to me that, if anything, they have a disincentive, in the form of increased regulation. And what if they did use it? How easy would it be for individuals to use it? If this mythical exchange is supposed to be a website will it be a usable one? It’s hard to discuss the virtues of an exchange that doesn’t yet exist.

So, any ideas? Is Brown opposed to any sort of health care reform or is he just opposed to the health care reform currently being proposed?