
Robert Stacy McCain: Man of Many Hats

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/27/2010 1:06:19 pm PDT

re: #157 Thanos

Well I would characterize myself as more aware of the divisions among the nativists and bigots than you, so let’s not get into a pissing match over a minor distinction. The northern and southern bigots are both dangerous in their own ways, my point is that they are specific people, and our job isn’t to worry about a region but rather to point out specific instances whenever and where ever we see them n’est ce pas?

I apologize and do not mean to get into a pissing match with you. Even worse, I don not want to get into a which racist is more vile match. Both are fruitless and immature.

However, let’s not kid ourselves. There is a Southern fired variety of this. That is just reality and it has very deep roots that are more acceptable in the South to express.