
Heritage Foundation to Boycott CPAC (or, Fear of a Gay Planet)

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/07/2011 1:35:46 pm PST

What bothers me about the GOP is that they use opposition to gay marriage as a means of getting votes. Look at 2004 and Bush’s reelection over Kerry. The gay marriage ban amendment that originated in the House was a carefully planned movement to get Republican voters out to vote in November. I wish Obama and other prominent Democrats were more progressive on this issue certainly but the Republicans rely on opposition to gay rights for support and votes. You have Republican leaders like Boehner defending groups like the AFA even though Tony Perkins himself is an obvious bigot. Bryan Fischer is another scumbag that is part of the appartatus that the GOP embraces. My hope is as people in my generation start to get in to power that gay rights become a smaller issue. I’ve had Republican and conservative friends whose disagreements with me are more economic based than social policy based.