
Jonathan Coulton With Suzanne Vega: Now I Am an Arsonist

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/31/2012 4:07:35 am PDT

Oh, another bit of creationist news:

Encouraging college students to defend their faith

Renowned intelligent design expert Dr. William Dembski is taking a teaching position at the Southern Evangelical Seminary this August.

Dembski will be the Phillip E. Johnson Research Professor of Science and Culture, named for the founder of modern intelligent design. He says he is especially concerned about the 70 to 80 percent of students who shed their faith after attending college. He will also be working to advance the seminary’s Institute of Scientific Apologetics.

“I don’t see apologetics as the full solution to it, but I think it’s a piece of the puzzle, and I think [for] a lot Christians, a lot of church-going people, the question is asked — why do you believe in Christianity? Why do you think it’s true,” he suggests. “I think they don’t really have an answer.”

Dembski says he is “an old-earth creationist” when it comes to the Genesis account of creation.

“So I don’t read it as a literal six days, 6,000-year chronology. I know there’s some variation on that,” he admits. “The other position certainly is the traditional one, and I don’t have a problem with believers who hold that.”

Dembski is also a senior fellow with the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and a research professor in philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Well, at least the writer of that article admitted that Philip Johnson created “Intelligent Design”; given the non-scientific origin of ID I wonder how people like Dembski can still maintain that that ID is science.

I’m not sure this announcement is new news, given the bible school (it is not accredited by the organization of colleges that accredits colleges in the southeast, but rather by an association of bible schools) with which he now associates has a webpage for Dembski’s efforts: .

Oh, and given that school has as in its doctrinal statement:

We believe in the special creation of the entire space-time universe and of every basic form of life in the six historic days of the Genesis creation record. We also believe in the historicity of the biblical record, including the special creation of Adam and Eve as the literal progenitors of all people, the literal fall and resultant divine curse on the creation, the worldwide flood, and the origin of nations and diverse languages at the tower of Babel.

I note that all three guys in their “scientific apologetics” effort are old-earth creationists.