
Glenn Greenwald's Euphemism of the Day: He Promoted a Far Right Militia Because "Neutral Linking"

Amory Blaine9/12/2013 1:27:18 pm PDT

Classy conservative example for children # 999

Process server says senator’s aide chased and pushed him down

A process server hired to notify state Sen. Leah Vukmir of a lawsuit says a Vukmir aide assailed him with abusive language, chased him and pushed him to the ground outside the Capitol, according to court documents filed Wednesday.
The aide, Jason Rostan, told the State Journal that he didn’t push the process server but acknowledged following him and trying to force him to take the court papers back. Rostan said the man tripped and fell while refusing to accept the paperwork.

The process server’s account of what happened on Sept. 3 is contained in a sworn statement attached to a lawsuit filed in Dane County Circuit Court. The suit seeks to force Vukmir, R-Wauwatosa, to hand over documents from a May conference of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

Rostan “started to call me a low-life jerk and (expletives)” in Vukmir’s Capitol office, Bruce Lowrey, co-owner of C. Lowrey Process Service, said in the affidavit. “When I got outside Jason was running after me and he pushed me and knocked me down and threw the paperwork at me and continued to call me all kinds of (vulgar) names.”

These are the people that call teachers thugs.