
From David Bowie's Brilliant New Album: "Sue (Or in a Season of Crime)"

Reality Based Steve1/10/2016 8:19:43 pm PST

Trump asked the cretins attendees at his rally today in Reno if Cruz was a NBC….

RENO, Nev. — After days of coyly raising questions about Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president, given that he was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father, Donald Trump let his audience weigh in at a rally Sunday afternoon.

“Is he a natural-born citizen?” the Republican White House hopeful asked several thousand gathered in a Reno ballroom. Members of the crowd shouted back, “No!”

“I don’t know,” Trump said. “Honestly, we don’t know. Who the hell knows.”

I don’t think that there is enough popcorn for this GOP campaign season. I”m just waiting for it to be raised at the upcoming debate.

I’ll need to stock up on Ginger Ale, popcorn makes me thirsty.