
New From Keith Olbermann: Trump Is Steering Us Toward International Disaster

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/05/2016 10:30:43 pm PST

re: #150 austin_blue

I think that’s about right. Clueless was a humorous movie about adolescents in the Valley, but it makes for a disastrous Presidency.

I think I’ll paraphrase a line from Max von Sydow from Hannah and Her Sisters:

If George C. Marshall came back and saw the state of the new American foreign policy, he’d never stop throwing up.

Trump in a real sense never grew out of adolescence. His behavior pattern is entirely predictable. He does everything impulsively, for immediate gratification — buying the Plaza Hotel, starting two casinos in Atlantic City, speaking with world leaders — with no consideration of what happens next. He has no long-range strategy for much of anything. Then, when things inevitably go sour, he either lies about what he did or tries to deflect blame onto someone else, or both, while attacking the people who point out it was his fault things went sour.

Basically, we will have the world’s oldest Problem Child in the Oval Office — assuming he ever shows up for work.