
New From Keith Olbermann: We Need the Help of Intel Agencies Around the World

makeitstop5/11/2017 7:45:45 pm PDT

re: #128 klys (maker of Silmarils)

It’s up to us, as voters.

If we make enough noise and the Rs start to fear for their jobs, things can happen.

His base isn’t going to care but there are a lot of people out there besides just his base.

Of course, this requires work on our end with no guarantees. But giving up now doesn’t really feel like an option either, so…

And the noise level in the media about this seems to be a lot higher than it was on Tuesday.

I think a lot of people have started paying attention this week. Firing Comey was a massive miscalculation on the White House’s part. They actually believed that people of both parties would love them for this. And they’ve made it progressively worse since then.

We have to keep the pressure on, because as they become more and more distracted by this they’ll be more apt to compound their mistakes even further. There’s no getting in front of this story, they can only react at this point.