
They Might Be Giants (Or Commies): "The Communists Have the Music"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/14/2018 10:20:32 am PDT

Iowa Newspaper Says GOP Congressman Spends all his Time With ‘Neo-Nazis’ and ‘Fascists’, Endorses Democrats Instead (Newsweek, more at the link):

Iowa’s largest and most influential newspaper, The Des Moines Register, slammed Representative Steve King (Republican - Iowa) in a scathing editorial that went also after the GOP as a whole.

The Register’s editorial board on Saturday endorsed voting for Democrats down the line, arguing that Republicans had failed to get anything good done despite controlling the both chambers of Congress and the White House.

But the strongest language in the piece was reserved for the race involving King, who has routinely made national headlines for accusations of racism and his penchant for running in the same circles as neo-Nazis.