
A Sublime Tiny Desk Concert by 15-Year Old Piano Maestro Joey Alexander

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/28/2018 1:16:02 am PST

A Russian bank gave Marine Le Pen’s party a loan. Then weird things began happening. (Washington Post, more at the link):

PARIS — When French politician Marine Le Pen needed cash for her far-right party, an obscure Russian bank agreed to help.

Four years later, the bank has gone bust. The owner is facing a warrant for his arrest. Former Russian military officers are demanding money. And the party’s treasurer is sending off some $165,000 every few months to a woman in Moscow, unsure of where the payments ultimately will go.

The money failed to deliver Le Pen the French presidency in last year’s election, denying the Kremlin a powerful ally in the heart of Europe. Instead, the 9.4 million-euro loan, then worth $12.2 million, dragged her party into the shadowy underworld of Russian cross-border finance, putting it in league with people accused of having ties to Russian organized crime, money laundering and military operations.