
Brilliant New Song From Ben Folds: "Kristine From the 7th Grade" (Ben Folds With the National Symphony Orchestra | DECLASSIFIED)

lawhawk10/18/2022 7:32:43 am PDT

Trump had no clue what he was doing re: North Korea. He was spewing word salad and admitted as much to Bob Woodward.

The interviews offer unvarnished insights into the former president’s worldview and are the most extensive recordings of Trump speaking about his presidency — including explaining his rationale for meeting Kim, his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Trump’s detailed views of the US nuclear arsenal. The audio also shows how Trump decided to share with Woodward the letters Kim wrote to him - the letters that helped spark the DOJ investigation into classified documents Trump took to Mar-a-Lago.

“And don’t say I gave them to you, okay?” Trump told Woodward.

Woodward said in the book’s introduction that he is releasing the recordings in part because “hearing Trump speak is a completely different experience to reading the transcripts or listening to snatches of interviews on television or the internet.”

He describes Trump as “raw, profane, divisive and deceptive. His language is often retaliatory.”

“Yet, you will also hear him engaging and entertaining, laughing, ever the host. He is trying to win me over, sell his presidency to me. The full-time salesman,” Woodward said. “I wanted to put as much of Trump’s voice, his own words, out there for the historical record and so people could hear and judge and make their own assessments.”

He admits that he had better relationships with fascists. Figures that he would admit that.