
The Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man

stretch1/11/2009 9:25:08 pm PST

re: #166 Salamantis

Your vast and massive ignorance of science is here on full display. Artifactual retroviral DNA evidenceconsclusively demonstrates that different species share common ancestors, and evolution has been observed, and is reproducable at will under controlled conditions, in Richard Lenski’s lab. You may not like these facts, but facts they are, nonetheless.

I’ll bet you don’t even understand why artifactual retroviral DNA evidence is so damn strong. And you probably don’t care to, because you falsely and irrationally fear that such knowledge might shake your precious faith, which it could not do, unless you are a Genesis Literalist - in which case you should be in Kentucky, handling rattlers and swilling strychnine from Mason jars.

Actually, I have been reading up on this artifactual retroviral DNA - things are not at all as they seem (nor as you have asserted here). For example, the artifctual retroviral DNA (assuming common descent), gives a different phylogeny depending on the sequences that were compared.

So tell me, do you have full agreement in the evolutionist camp - did humans branch off first, or was it gorillas, then chimps, then humans?